Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Thing About Hockey

The thing about hockey is, its a lifestyle.  It grabs you before you know it, even when you least expect it. And its not limited to the player.  It grabs everyone.  It's like the mob, once you are in, you are in and there ain't no way of getting out. Rink life, the sounds, the smells, the electricity - its addictive, and it refreshes itself every season, well, maybe not the smells, but you get the idea.

You will learn, your hockey family becomes your extended family.  You will spend more time with them during a fall season than people truly related to you by blood.  Now, as in every family, this has its rewards and its curses, but still - wouldn't want it any other way. As your child grows from a silver mite to a Midget and possibly beyond, your hockey family will continue to grow, and even though ice hockey is one of today's fastest growing sports, its still a small world and paths cross often and at times unexpectedly. So Be Kind.

Rink Life - Love it!!

Yours in Hockey, Cheli