Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hockey Concussions

A diagram of the forces on the brain in concussion
A diagram of the forces on the brain in concussion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Guest Blogger, Moyra Gorski, of  MyLivingBetter, is an expert on holistic wellness with a specialty in hockey nutrition.  To better prepare your athlete for the season, please visit her website, or contact her for additional information.

We are well into the hockey season at our house. Lots of laundry, racking up the miles on the road and trying to keep the athletes filled up are all common. Another common occurrence, unfortunately is the incidence of concussions.

From 1997 to 2007, emergency department visits for concussion in kids aged 8 to 13 playing organized sports doubled, and the number of visits increased by more than 200 percent in older teens, according to the Pediatric journal report.Already 3 players on one of my sons teams have been out due to concussions . Although some believe the only treatment for concussions is rest, there is specific hockey nutrition that is proven effective and beneficial in speeding the recovery process.   

1. Omega 3/ fish oil. General recommendations for intake of fish oil is 1-2 gms per day. Post concussion up to 4 gms per day is recommended. Omega 3 is a powerful anti inflammatory and it will aid in reducing the  neuro inflammation of the brain. And of course the brain loves fish oil to help it make new cells. Shaklee OMEGAGUARD® is pure and potent, tripled distilled to guarantee its purity.

2. Protein: protein is essential for healing. Shaklee has some great options for protein from Energizing soy protein or Cinch powder for shakes to Cinch snack or meal bars. Packed full of non-GMO protein, they not only contain helpful-to-healing protein, all the options taste great.

3. Antioxidants and lots of them. Grab a handful of blueberries, vitamin C or spoonful of Vivix.   Key ingredients in Vivix have been shown effective in cellular repair and defense as well as impacting oxidative stress in cells.  Supplement with up to 3,000 mg a day of vitamin C, which also helps reduce the oxidative stress in the brain associated with head trauma.

4. Cranial sacral therapy: Non supplement but helpful just the same.
Cranialsacral therapy is an offshoot of osteopathic medicine and works on the premise of the dynamic fluid movement between the cranial and sacrum. Post concussion there may be blockages in the fluid flow....simply..and this gentle therapy can help to unblock the restrictions and bring the flow back to Normal. 
A local friend and therapist who I trust is Carol from One Mind and Body Cranial sacral therapy.  

5. Melatonin: a sport medicine physician n the area who is quite involved with the local hospital  concussion clinic also recommends melatonin. I really don't know much about this so I won't venture to comment much. If anyone of you have more info, I would welcome it. 

Recovering from a concussion can take between 2-4 weeks....quite often a very frustrating time for the athlete who suddenly can't participate in his sport he or she loves. Rest and reducing stimulation is necessary. But adding the appropriate hockey nutrition can give your athletes what it needs to heal more quickly and get them back on the ice or playing field more quickly. Trust these Shaklee  essentials and you will find yourself and your children enjoying more games and playing time, with a healthy smile on their face. 

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