Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Super Success!!!

It is now the day after. Super Sunday has concluded with great success. We saw many teams raise the cup as champions of their respective levels, and to see the smile on the kids’ faces gave me true perspective on why I got into this great profession. I would like to congratulate everyone on great seasons, as everyone showed great improvement this season. I would also like to thank all of the volunteer coaches who came out every week and made it fun for the kids. This season could not have run as smooth as it did without you.

This week also begins the start of the 3-on-3 and 4-on-4 season.  I am excited to announce that this year we have again set a new record of teams registered to play this summer. Hockey summer camps and clinics are also upon us. Check out what is in store under the CCH Xtreme Camps & Clinics tab at! Starting soon is the Puck and Tee camp, an excellent camp where young players can learn the best of both worlds, hockey and golf. The S3 Battle Camp is another great hockey camp where players can get in shape and hone their skills for the upcoming year. Other hockey camps include the ADM weekly camp, the FUNdamentals camp, For the Tenders Clinic as well as the rapidly approaching Midget Boot Camp. CCH Xtreme hockey has camps for players of all ages and skill sets.

I hope your summer has started off as well as mine, and I look forward to seeing everyone around the rink.

Yours in Hockey,

 Coach Cheli

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